Utahns can apply now

SALT LAKE CITY – Utahns most vulnerable to energy price spikes and inflation will now receive more support. Low-income utility customers will benefit from $12 million in assistance.
“We support these opportunities anytime we can expand assistance to help Utahans struggling to make ends meet,” said Utah Department of Commerce Executive Director Margaret Busse.
Today, Governor Spencer Cox signed SB 288 into law, which creates the Utility Bill Assistance Program. Sponsored by Senator Don Ipson and Representative Robert Spendlove, the bill returns $12 million to ratepayers through programs targeted to help those in need.
“I’m thrilled that Governor Cox and the Utah Legislature enacted this program. Affordable energy is key to health and wellbeing; this program will enhance affordability for the Utah households who need it the most,” said Thad LeVar, Chair of the Public Service Commission.
The Department of Commerce’s Division of Public Utilities will disburse the money to electricity and natural gas companies to provide bill credits for customers who meet income requirements. By leveraging existing programs with Dominion Energy and Rocky Mountain Power and using our eligibility partner, the Department of Workforce Services, we can return this money to ratepayers with little or no administrative expense.
Division of Public Utilities Director Chris Parker says, “While Utah remains among the best in the nation for energy rates, I’m grateful that our agencies’ frugality has allowed us to return money to the ratepayers who have suffered the most from recent market increases.”
For Dominion Energy and Rocky Mountain Power customers, this new state funding will be in addition to existing utility and other support programs. Utahns earning 150% of the federal poverty level should apply for home energy assistance through the Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) program, which will be used to verify and determine eligibility for this expanded program. Eligible customers already participating in Dominion Energy and Rocky Mountain Power assistance programs will automatically receive the credits.
Media Contact:
Melanie Hall
Communications Director
Utah Department of Commerce
[email protected]
Office: (801) 530-6646
Cell: (385) 290-0719
About the Department of Commerce: The mission of the Utah Department of Commerce is to strengthen trust in Utah’s commercial activities. We do this through regulation, enforcement, and education. The Utah Department of Commerce has eight divisions, representing various economic industries. More information can be found at commerce.utah.gov.